New Paintings by Ted Randler at Eric Schindler Gallery


An exhibition of recent paintings by Ted Randler titled “If Your Colors Were Like My Dreams” opens 7 till 9pm on October 25 at Eric Schindler Gallery. The exhibit runs through the end of November. 

"I don’t paint in a planned series of related works,” says Ted. “I use each painting as a stepping stone to the next one. Looking at the pieces in this show, I can see now how there’s a definite lineage of change in technique and subject matter.”
“Actually, the evolution of genres in ‘If Your Colors Were Like My Dreams’ occurred over the course of  these last three years,” according to the artist. “’What The Purple Martin Saw In The Garden Mirror Ball’ was the final painting of 2021 that led to a new year of my using nature as a resource for motifs. I like to break apart the elements of a landscape – the patterns, space, light, flora and fauna – to create compositions that aren’t necessarily depictions of specific places inasmuch as they are re-imagined garden spaces.”

Eric Schindler Gallery

2305 East Broad Street

Richmond, VA 23223
