Live Music Returns to Shady Grove
Cover photo of April Verch, courtesy of Glide Magazine
Live music returns to Shady Grove Coffeehouse for its twentieth season. On October 16 they welcome back Canadian fiddle April Verch, and on November 6, David Mallet and George Turman. In order to safeguard the health of audience and performers, the October and November concerts will be held outdoors, and masks will be required to enter the church building.
Children 12 and under are admitted to all concerts free of charge; teens 13-18 are admitted at half price. Net proceeds benefit UUCC. Advance tickets and additional information are available by calling (804) 323-4288, through Shady Grove web site at www.shadygrovecoffeehouse.com, or by sending e-mail to tickets@shadygrovecoffehouse.com
Unitarian Universalist Community Church
11105 Cauthorne Road
Glen Allen, VA 23059
(804) 323-4288